Published: 2024-07-15

Queer Pedagogy: violence against a Queer parent in early childhood education

Ana Paula Freitas Padilha, Mg., Vinícius Bertoncini Vicenzi, Ph. D., Jaime Farias Dresch, Ph. D. (


(Re)construction of gender identities by young people in video game communities

Nuria Alabau-Tejada, Ph. D., Fátima Gómez-Sota, Ph. D., Francisco José García-Ull, Ph. D. (


The meanings around family for children without parental care

Pedro Daniel Martínez-Sierra, Ph. D. (


Influence of socio-economic status on family perceptions of online risks

Adela López-Martínez, Ph. D., Charo Sádaba, Ph. D., Beatriz Feijoo, Ph. D., Luisa Zozaya, Ph. D. (


Playing in the park to promote environmental education for children

Amanda Melissa Casillas-Zapata, Lydia Marcela Adame-Rivera (


Providencias judiciales de fácil comprensión para niños, niñas y adolescentes en vulnerabilidad

Milton Arrieta-López, Ph. D., Abel Meza-Godoy, Mg., María M. Fernández-Quant, Mg, Beliña Herrera-Tapias, Ph. D. (


Adolescent citizen participation: An analysis of youth networks in Cundinamarca

Adrián David Galindo-Ubaque Mg., Jenny Patricia Bustos-Abril, Mg., Diana Carolina Méndez, Eduardo Aguirre-Dávila, Ph. D. , Ana Estrella Meza-Rodríguez Mg., Paola Andrea Pulido-Escobar, Mg. , Felipe Ramírez-Cortázar (


Challenges in the Colombian education system: the case of Mochuelo Bajo (southern Bogotá)

Paola Marcela Iregui-Parra, Mg., Angie Daniela Yepes García, Laura Elena Bautista-Ramírez, David Santiago Hoyos Daza, Sara Yesenia Molano-Pinán (


Mental health in university students: Reflections on family, body and emotions

Adriana Zapata-Martínez, Ph. D., María Alejandra Rodríguez-Vargas, Mg., Mónica Liliana Salgado-Valencia, Esp., Claudia Marcela Naranjo-Londoño, Mg. (


Experiences of interactions between university students and their professors as part of online education during the pandemic

Horacio Manrique-Tisnés, Ph. D., Juan Carlos Ramírez-Castaño (
