Published: 2023-03-29

Youth and Higher Education in the Southern Cone of America

Jorge Baeza-Correa, Ph. D., José Albuccó-Henríquez, Mg.


Argumentation in university students: a review of socioconstructivist studies

Nadia Soledad Peralta, Ph. D., Mariano Castellaro, Ph. D., María Agustina Tuzinkievicz, Ps., Juan Manuel Curcio, Ps.


Academic experiences and mental health in three university cohorts under COVID-19 emergency

Eduardo Guzmán-Utreras, Ph. D, Carmen Gloria Baeza-Ugarte, Ph. D., Mario Morales-Navarro, Ph. D.


Mental health, self-esteem and life satisfaction among university students in southern Chile

Macarena Muñoz-Albarracín, Mg., Cecilia Mayorga-Muñoz, Ph. D., Andrés Jiménez-Figueroa, Ph. D.


Influence of context on children's cognitive development: systematic review

María A. Benítez, Lic., Verónika Díaz Abraham, Ph. D., Nadia R. Justel, Ph. D.


Validation of the multidimensional perfectionism model with a child population

Laura Beatriz Oros, Ph. D., Sonia Noemí Chemisquy, Ph. D., Mónica Daiana Serppe, Ph. D., Gisela Paola Helguera, Lic.


Migration in Chile and educational inclusion: A document study (1980-2021)

Fernanda Aguayo-Fernández, Mg., Claudia Díaz-Vargas, Mg., Paulina Moraga-Henríquez, Mg., María Loreto Mora-Olate, Ph. D.


Training on autonomy promotion and pedagogical support during COVID-19 lockdowns

Tatiana Rojas-Ospina, Ph. D., Solanlly Ochoa-Angrino, Ed. D., Alexander Tovar-Aguirre, Mg.


The challenges for principals with the promotion of scientific skills

Cristian Hernández-Gil, Mg., Carol Jennifer Cardozo-Jiménez, Mg., Laddy Tatiana Perdomo-Rojas, Mg.


A community researcher in an PAR study with young people: case analysis

Heidy Cristina Gómez-Ramírez, Mg., Jaider Camilo Otálvaro-Orrego, Mg., Ana María Cárdenas-Ossa, Ph. D.


Gender differences in aggressiveness between juvenile offenders in Colombia

Jorge Emiro Restrepo, Ph. D, Sergio Andrés Acosta-Tobón, Ph. D.
