Public policies on early childhood in Latin American countries

Main Article Content

Patricia de Souza Della Barba
Margarita Cañadas-Pérez
María Teresa Suárez-Lozano
Tatiana Ivonne Chiappero


The article analyzes the design of early childhood and early intervention public policies in Latin American countries, updating the legal framework and evaluating the effectiveness of existing programs. The article focuses on the relationship between the legislation that informs the design of public policies and the effectiveness of early intervention programs in the  countries that are members of the Ibero-American Early Childhood Care Network, with the authors identifying the perceived strengths and weaknesses of these initiatives according to its members. A total of eight members of this network participated in a descriptive and exploratory study that included semi-structured interviews and analysis of official documents. The results evidenced that while all of the countries have a regulatory framework for early childhood, there is no specificity regarding early intervention programs or the role of families in these policies. Chile, Mexico and Peru were notable for having the most comprehensive policies.

Keywords: Early intervention; public policy; child health.

Article Details

How to Cite
Public policies on early childhood in Latin American countries. (2024). Revista Latinoamericana De Ciencias Sociales, Niñez Y Juventud , 23(1), 1-27.
Segunda Sección: Estudios e Investigaciones
Author Biographies

Patricia de Souza Della Barba, Universidad Federal de San Carlos, Brasil

Posdoctora, Universidad Católica de Valencia, España. 0000-0002-7893-8133. H5: 12. Correo electrónico:

Margarita Cañadas-Pérez, Universidad Católica de Valencia, España

Doctora, Universidad Católica de Valencia, España. 0000-0002-5496-322X. H5: 0. Correo electrónico:

María Teresa Suárez-Lozano, Centro de Estudios de Ciencias Exactas, Argentina

Licenciada en Psicopedagogía, especializada en Reeducación, Centro de Estudios de Ciencias Exactas, Bs.
As., Argentina. 0000-0002-2162-3456. H5: 0. Correo electrónico:

Tatiana Ivonne Chiappero, Universidad Provincial de Córdoba, Argentina

Maestría en Neurociencias y Ciencias del Comportamiento. Facultad de Medicina, Ribeirao Preto, Universidad Sao Paulo. 0000-0002-5202-1677. H5: 0. Correo electrónico:

How to Cite

Public policies on early childhood in Latin American countries. (2024). Revista Latinoamericana De Ciencias Sociales, Niñez Y Juventud , 23(1), 1-27.


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