The Latin American Journal of Social Sciences, Childhood and Youth is a peer-reviewed, multidisciplinary scientific publication dedicated to the presentation of research results that, from the perspective of the social sciences, have children and youth as their central focus (and not just as a subsidiary theme).

The Journal addresses the community of researchers interested in the theory and practice of studying, analyzing and delving deeper into the worlds inhabited by children and young people, as well as researchers interested in the design, evaluation and comparison of programs and policies for children and youth.

The Journal publishes the results of research, analysis and meta-analysis, which due to their quality and rigor represent the main advances in the study of children and youth in Latin America and the Caribbean or debate existing knowledge and in this field. In synthesis, the Journal receives contributions that respond to the complexity of this field of study and are based on disciplinary, interdisciplinary and trans-disciplinary perspectives (such as sociology, neurosciences, psychology, pedagogy and philosophy) and methodological approaches that are considered adequate.

The Journal accepts articles in Spanish, Portuguese, French and English, preferably derived from research that is formally endorsed by universities, public institutions, research centers or public and private funding bodies.

The Journal was published twice a year between 2003 and 2019. Since 2020 it has been published three times a year by the Center for Advanced Studies in Childhood and Youth, operated by CINDE and the University of Manizales (Colombia). These institutions finance the production of the Journal and ensure that it is free to access.



Héctor Fabio Ospina

Vol. 23 No. 1: enero - abril de 2025

Published: 2024-11-05

Risks associated with the use of technologies in adolescents, a systematic review

Lucía Nadador Moncayo, Andrés Sánchez-Suricalday (

Public policies on early childhood in Latin American countries

Patricia de Souza Della Barba, Margarita Cañadas-Pérez, María Teresa Suárez-Lozano, Tatiana Ivonne Chiappero (


Participation of institutionalized children and adolescents: Perspectives during thesocio-sanitary emergency

Daniela Zúñiga, Ph. D., Rodolfo Mardones, Ph. D., Marianne Wentzel, Mg., José Sanhueza (


Child participation in public spaces: discussion from the city of Valparaíso, Chile

Mario Catalán-Catalán, Ph. D. (


Voices of children living on the street: contributions to their education

Claudia Patricia Lopera-Álvarez, Natalia Andrea Alzate-Alzate, David Alberto Londoño Vásquez (

Social Imaginaries of Citizenship: childhood and youth of Cerro Navia - Chile

Claudia Castilla-García, Julián Reyes-Bahamondes, Diana Cornejo-Díaz, Catalina Valenzuela (


Relevance and ethno-mathematics in the education of indigenous children in Cauca,Colombia

Jose Edgar Campo-Fernández, Professor (


Effectiveness of an intervention to prevent child sexual abuse

Guillermo Pulido-Guerrero, Laura Marcela Jiménez-Ariza, Jorge Iván Ramírez-Durán (


The meaning of scientific education generated through adolescents’ experiences inCórdoba, Colombia

Nydia Ninna Valencia-Jiménez, Jorge Eliecer Ortega-Montes, Israel de Jesús Hernández Álvarez (


Youth and Social Networks. A spatial appropriation of the virtual world

José Alegría-Morán, Ph. D. (


The paradox of digital inclusion: the use of mobile devices and techno-dependencyamong university students

Diego Samir Melo-Solarte, William Narváez-Solarte, Jhonathan Grisales-Giraldo (


Decolonizing science and technology: resistance of mayan youth at the University

Roger J. González-González, Ph. D., Edith J. Cisneros-Cohernour, Ph. D. (


Entrepreneurial profile among Chilean higher education students

Felipe Quintano-Méndez, Leonor Riquelme-Segura, Jorge Morales-Pizarro, Ingrid Balmaceda-Gallardo, Gerald Manríquez-Bravo (


Conflict resolution and assertiveness: evaluation in young people with intellectual disabilities

Andrea Bernal, María Luisa Belmonte, Abraham Bernárdez-Gómez (


Analysis of subnational youth candidacies: evidence from Ecuador

César Ulloa-Tapia, Mgs. Alejandro Molina-Mendoza, Horacio Palomeque-Rodríguez, Mg. (


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