Dreams, Fears, Joys, Sadnesses (SMAT): a participatory research technique with children and adolescents
Main Article Content
The participation of children in research implies an epistemic change with clear methodological implications. In this text we present a novel tool for research with children and adolescents: the SMAT (Dreams, Fears, Joys and Sorrows). It is a version of the analysis of weaknesses, threats, strengths and
opportunities (SWOT) adapted to the experiential and discursive reality of children that has shown its
viability in research with children, even during the pandemic context. The text clarifies the methodological logic of the tool, provides keys for its use and presents examples of results obtained in different contexts (originating in participatory research but also showing its usefulness in conventional research designs) that show its versatility and relevance for the study of the discourse of the child population.
Keywords: Childhood; methodology; participation.
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