for articles presented to the Revista Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales, Niñez y Juventud (Latin American Journal of Social Sciences, Youth and Childhood)



Date (mm/dd/yy): 


By means of the current co-authoring agreement, the co-authors of the articled titled “…:”


1. Name of co-author:

2. Name of co-author:

3. Name of co-author:


Declare that the article has been written as a co-authorship by the persons mentioned above and that each of the co-authors has the same rights of authorship for the text.


This agreement adheres to what is stipulated in Memorandum No. 06 of the Special Administrative Unit of the National Department of Author’s Rights of Colombia: “Collaborative works are those created by two or more people, taking into account a common contribution where their contributions cannot be separated without the work losing its nature” (Articles 18 and 82 of Law 23 of 1982). Given this situation, when the article is created by a number of authors it maintains its general principle and all and each of these persons are considered authors of the article


Name of author…

National Identification Document



Name of author…

National Identification Document



Name of author…

National Identification Document





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