From Hogra to Hirak: Neocolonialism, memory and youth political dissidence in the Rif

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Jose Sánchez-García
Rachid Touhtou


Abstract (analytical)
Dominant social movement theories are based on Western experiences, but to what extent can they help us to understand the process of solidarity construction of political practices in closed political non-Western contexts? As Bayat points out, a theoretical approach that takes into account both the Arab exceptionality and the critical application of social science models in other contexts —that often forget the specific features that political protest has adopted in the Arab World— seems essential. This article, within the framework of the Transgang project, will analyse a Moroccan social movement that appeared in the Rif in 2016, led by youth populations, attending to their cultural specificities, and using decolonial perspectives. Through this analysis, some conclusions will be presented for research on youth social movements in Arab societies.
Keywords: Youth, social movements, colonialism, decoloniality, Arab Spring, Hirak, Rif, Morocco.


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How to Cite
Sánchez-García, J., & Touhtou, R. (2020). From Hogra to Hirak: Neocolonialism, memory and youth political dissidence in the Rif. Revista Latinoamericana De Ciencias Sociales, Niñez Y Juventud, 19(1), 1–20.
Monográfico "Estallidos socio-políticos de nueva generación"
Author Biographies

Jose Sánchez-García, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, España

Investigador en Antropología Social en la Universidad Pompeu Fabra (Cataluña, España). H5: 9. Correo
electrónico:  0000-0002-2880-7813.

Rachid Touhtou, National Institute of Statistics and Applied Economics, Marruecos

Miembro del departamento de Ciencias Sociales, Lenguas y Comunicación de la Escuela Nacional de
Estadística y Economía Aplicada (Rabat, Marruecos). Correo electrónico:


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