Juventude brasileira em pauta: analisando as conferências e o estatuto da juventude

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Luana Isabelle Cabral Santos
Oswaldo Hajime Yamamoto


(analytical): In view of the situation of social vulnerability and limited visibility of youth in the Brazilian social and political contexts and its norms and legislation, the objective of this article is to discuss the process of young people’s political participation. To achieve this, a documentary analysis was carried out of the proposals approved in National Youth Conferences as well as the content of the sessions related to the rights of young people contained in the Statute for Youth. As results, the authors identified that there are specific demands from young people (political participation) as well as more encompassing demands that involve all of society (security, education, mobility and health). However, there are historical claims for recognition that are a long way from being transformed into policies to enforce rights, such as proposals to combat the extermination of black youth and greater political participation for young people.

Key words: Young people, public policies, political participation, statute of youth (Virtual
Library Health in Psychology Thesaurus).


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How to Cite
Santos, L. I. C., & Yamamoto, O. H. (2018). Juventude brasileira em pauta: analisando as conferências e o estatuto da juventude. Revista Latinoamericana De Ciencias Sociales, Niñez Y Juventud, 16(2), 657–668. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.11600/1692715x.16201
Primera Sección: Teoría y Metateoría
Author Biographies

Luana Isabelle Cabral Santos, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte

Mestre, doutoranda em Psicologia na Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte. Atua na áreas de: juventude, direitos humanis, políticas públicas

Oswaldo Hajime Yamamoto, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte

Psicólogo. Doutor em Psicologia. Professor titular da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte/Brasil. Coordenador do Grupo de Pesquisa Marxismo & Educação (GPM&E).