La Autorregulación y su Relación con el Apego en la Niñez

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Lorena Muñoz-Muñoz


(analytical): the objective of the present article is to describe and compare empirical literature that investigates the relation between attachment and self-regulation in childhood. The analysis demonstrates that the methodological design and measurement technique used to evaluate both attachment and self-regulation have a significant affect on the results obtained. The time lapse between measurements affects results in longitudinal studies of behavioral self-regulation, and the method used to evaluate attachment affects the results in studies of emotional self-regulation. Despite the fact that the research analyzed is consistent in describing a relationship between attachment patterns and the use of certain emotional regulation strategies, there is no consistency in research on the relationship between attachment and emotionality. This literature review provides a warning on how methodological designs affect research results and suggests incorporating an holistic conception of self-regulation in future research.

Key words: self-regulation, attachment, child development, methodology (Isoc Psychology Thesaurus).


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How to Cite
Muñoz-Muñoz, L. (2017). La Autorregulación y su Relación con el Apego en la Niñez. Revista Latinoamericana De Ciencias Sociales, Niñez Y Juventud, 15(2), 807–821.
Primera Sección: Teoría y Metateoría
Author Biography

Lorena Muñoz-Muñoz, Universidad de Chile, Chile.

Psicóloga. Magister en Psicología Clínica Infanto-juvenil de la Universidad de Chile. Actualmente cursa el Doctorado de Psicología en la Universidad de Chile. Docente en el Magister de Psicología Educacional de la Universidad de Chile. Orcid: 0000-0002-2712-2492. Índice H5: 2. Correo electrónico: