Meanings of caring for children with cerebral palsy

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Laura F. Niño-Serna, Mg.
Wendy Sofía Meyer-Martínez, Mg.
Andrés Felipe Tirado-Otálvaro, Mg.
Diana Cristina Martínez-Pérez, Mg.
Carlos Enrique Yepes-Delgado, Ph. D.


There is insufficient evidence regarding meanings developed by caregivers of children with Cerebral Palsy in Colombia. The methodology involved adopting a hermeneutic approach, which was combined with the grounded theory method. A total of 13 semi-structured interviews were conducted with adult caregivers of children with cerebral palsy. Following an analysis of the results, four categories emerged: unconditional love; caring as a woman; experiencing grief; and the endless fight for their child’s rights. It was concluded that the caregivers of children with Cerebral Palsy have developed determined coping skills. This is because they are willing to give up their own lives, sacrifice their
personal and social relationships, experience constant grief and learn new ways of caring and transforming their homes in their struggle to provide dignified care for their children. Unconditional love
allows these caregivers to recognize themselves as unique caring women.

Keywords: Cerebral Palsy; child rearing; child development; children with disabilities; caregiver burden; child care; empathy; caregivers.


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How to Cite
Niño-Serna, L., Meyer-Martínez, W. S. ., Tirado-Otálvaro, A. F. ., Martínez-Pérez, D. C. ., & Yepes-Delgado, C. E. . (2023). Meanings of caring for children with cerebral palsy. Revista Latinoamericana De Ciencias Sociales, Niñez Y Juventud, 22(1), 1–21.
Segunda Sección: Estudios e Investigaciones
Author Biographies

Laura F. Niño-Serna, Mg., Hospital Pablo Tobón Uribe, Colombia

Médica y cirujana, Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira. Especialista en pediatría, Universidad de Antioquia. Magíster en epidemiología clínica, Universidad de Antioquia. 0000-0001-7650-6057. H5: 6. Correo electrónico:

Wendy Sofía Meyer-Martínez, Mg., Universidad Pontifica Bolivariana, Colombia

Médica, Universidad Pontifica Bolivariana. Especialista en pediatría, Universidad Pontifica Bolivariana. 0000-0002-5321-9175. H5: 1. Correo electrónico:

Andrés Felipe Tirado-Otálvaro, Mg., Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, Colombia

Enfermero, Universidad de Antioquia. Magíster en epidemiología, Universidad CES. Doctor en salud pública, Universidad de Antioquia. 0000-0001-9010-1494. H5: 8. Correo electrónico:

Diana Cristina Martínez-Pérez, Mg., Universidad del Antioquia, Colombia

Médica, Universidad de Antioquia. Magíster en epidemiología clínica, Universidad de Antioquia. Orc
0000-0003-2764-5629. H5: 4. Correo electrónico:

Carlos Enrique Yepes-Delgado, Ph. D., Universidad del Antioquia, Colombia

Médico, Universidad de Antioquia. Especialista en administración de servicios de salud, Universidad de Antioquia. Magíster en salud pública, Universidad de Antioquia. Doctor en epidemiología, Universidad de Antioquia. 0000-0001-5656-4989. H5: 11. Correo electrónico:


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