Subjective construction of whiteness by Young university students: a comparative study

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Vanessa Ortiz-Piedrahíta


This article forms part of interdisciplinary and colonial studies on whiteness and uses interrelated categories such as social class, ethnicity and race to explore the subjective construction of whiteness by young university students in Brasilia and Medellín. Based on a qualitative and comparative methodological approach, it was possible to capture the significant universe of university students who participate in the study. The author presents reflections and conclusions on the performative and sometimes contradictory process that implies recognizing oneself through the values and social privileges of whiteness in academic and extra-curricular spaces.
Keywords: Youth, white, university, identity.


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How to Cite
Ortiz-Piedrahíta, V. (2019). Subjective construction of whiteness by Young university students: a comparative study. Revista Latinoamericana De Ciencias Sociales, Niñez Y Juventud, 18(1), 1–24.
Segunda Sección: Estudios e Investigaciones
Author Biography

Vanessa Ortiz-Piedrahíta, Universidad del Valle, Colombia

Socióloga egresada de la Universidad del Valle. Magíster en Psicología. Doctora en Ciencias sociales
(Departamento de Estudos Latino-Americanos [ELA], Universidade de Brasilia). 0000-0003-4698-7050.
Índice H5: 2.