Derechos de niños y niñas: del discurso a la política local

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Ernesto Durán-Strauch


(descriptive): This article presents the results of a qualitative case study that analyses public policy for childhood and adolescence in the city of Bogotá using an interpretive policy analysis approach. The research examines how children’s and adolescents’ rights have been interpreted and incorporated in the design and implementation of public policy. The findings of this analysis are contrasted with what is proposed in literature as a rights-based perspective. Multiple tensions were identified between the comprehensive protection of rights discourse, on which public policy is based, and the actions carried out by fragmented institutions that are based on the logic of compensation and social control. Arising from these tensions are some sectorial progress in this area. However, these actions are far from meeting the minimal requirements of equity and justice.

Key words: children’s rights, childhood policy, case study (Andalucía Children’s Observatory Thesaurus).


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How to Cite
Durán-Strauch, E. (2017). Derechos de niños y niñas: del discurso a la política local. Revista Latinoamericana De Ciencias Sociales, Niñez Y Juventud, 15(2), 879–891.
Segunda Sección: Estudios e Investigaciones
Author Biography

Ernesto Durán-Strauch, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Colombia.

Médico cirujano de la Universidad Nacional, especialista en pediatría de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia, magíster en Psicología Comunitaria de la Universidad Javeriana, magíster en Salud Pública de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Doctor en Ciencias Sociales Niñez y Juventud de la Universidad de Manizales-Cinde. Orcid: 0000-0002-6035-8659. Índice H5: 3.