Clues to understand new sensitivities: Studies on juvenile cultural productions in Costa Rica

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Priscilla Carballo Villagra


From the perspective of Costa Rican academy, the study of young population has been developed, in general terms, from the interest in socially visible problems, such as teenage pregnancy, risky sexual practices, etc. However, in the last five years several research studies have made emphasis on other possible forms to understand urban juvenile dynamics. These studies aim at analyzing youths’ experiences from cultural productions such as music, dance, aesthetics, soccer and street experiences. Our goal is to define some clues, as we have called them, from such research studies to continue with the analysis and debate of juvenile productions as the way to understand new sensitivities.

Keywords: youth, cultural productions, music, soccer, aesthetics, qualitative research.


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How to Cite
Carballo Villagra, P. (2011). Clues to understand new sensitivities: Studies on juvenile cultural productions in Costa Rica. Revista Latinoamericana De Ciencias Sociales, Niñez Y Juventud, 7(2 Esp), 1331–1347. Retrieved from
Segunda Sección: Estudios e Investigaciones
Author Biography

Priscilla Carballo Villagra, Centro de Investigación en Identidad y Cultura Latinoamericana

Investigadora del Centro de Investigación en Identidad y Cultura Latinoamericana, y docente de la Carrera de Trabajo Social de la Sede de Occidente. Licenciada en Trabajo Social, actualmente cursa la Maestría Centroamericana de Sociología en la Universidad de Costa Rica.