Published: 2021-11-10

Spatial practices of childhood in a high-rise and high-density building

Julián Reyes-Bahamondes, Mg., Diana Cornejo-Díaz, Mg. (


Parenting and its effect on adolescent self-determination and wellbeing

Begoña Cordero-López, Mg., Joan Calventus-Salvador, Mg. (


Trajectories and cultural tensions in migrant adolescents residing in Chile

Nicolás Vera-Álvarez, Mg., Sandra Riquelme-Sandoval, Ph. D. (


Adolescent fatherhood: meanings and practices from a socio-constructionist perspective

María del Pilar Gómez-González, Ph. D., Juan Carlos Ramírez-Rodríguez, Ph. D. (


Social vulnerability and verbal and non-verbal communication in early childhood. Systematic review

Lucas G. Gago-Galvagno, Ph. D., Luciana A. Passarini, Ángel M. Elgier, Ph. D. (


Moving forward: Political subjectivities in early childhood and families in exile

María Camila Ospina-Alvarado, María Teresa Luna, Sara Victoria Alvarado (


Participation in media and ICTs: children's interests and expectations

Andrea Lafaurie-Molina, Ph. D., Rocío López-Ordosgoitia, Ph. D., Diana Alexandra Giraldo-Cadavid, Ph. D., Diana Marcela Aristizábal-García, Ph. D. (


Affectivity in the implementation of child welfare poli

Javiera Garcia-Meneses, Mg., Iván Chanez-Cortés, Carla Fardella-Cisternas, Ph. D., Alejandra Corvalán-Navia, Mg. (


Bedsharing and childhood: socio-demographic, socio-economic and family health factors

Ianina Tuñón, Carolina Emilia Martínez (


Paternidad en adolescente en conflicto con la ley: una perspectiva desde la terapia familiar sistémica

Marla Naiví Toiber-Rodríguez, Ph. D., Celia Mancillas-Bazán, Ph. D., Xolyanetzin Montero-Pardo, Ph. D., Guadalupe Pardo-Benítez, Ph. D., Cintia Aguilar-Delgadillo, Ph. D., Daniel Díaz, Ph. D., Ramón Sánchez-Báez, Ph. D. (


Psychosocial effects of the forced disappearances of young people in Latin America: A pending task

Sandra Milena Serrano-Mora, Ph. D., Marieta Quintero-Mejía, Ph. D. (


Teacher-student relationship and student engagement: perceptions of secondary students with special educational needs

Gabriela Lara, Nicole González, Francisca Lara, Lorena Lagos, Victoria Parra, Ph. D., Claudia Paz Pérez-Salas, Ph. D. (


Ecological perspective of the construction of life projects by rural youth

Camila Yomara Erazo-Borrás, Ana Karen Ceballos-Mora, Mg., Johana Madelyn Matabanchoy-Salazar (


Influence of sociological factors on the use of a state scholarship to feed Chilean university students

Ruben Sánchez Sabaté, Ph. D., Boris S. Álvarez Escobar, Mg., Álex Boso Gaspar, Ph. D., Yasna Badilla Briones, Mg. (


Family functionality: men who have sex with men and men who only have sex with women

Pavel Rodríguez-Bustamante, Mg., Francisco Javier Báez-Hernández, Ph. D., Vianet Nava-Navarro, Ph. D., Arelia Morales-Nieto, Ph. D., Miguel Ángel Zenteno-López, Mg., Kathy Abigail Rodríguez-Bustamante, Mg. (
