Ethical Reflexivity of a Stumble: Unaccompanied Migrant Children and Adolescents
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The objective of this article is to systematize a process of ethical reflexivity that emerged in a research project (Fondecyt) whose purpose was to know the situation of unaccompanied migrant children and adolescents in Chile. The project was approved with ethical qualms that made it challenging to implement participatory methods. This "stumble" gave way to reflexivity. Through a Panel of Experts methodology, we created a self-convened ethics committee (professionals in Law and Psychology specializing in childhood) that prepared entry and exit reports with recommendations and protocols and trained the team. In the results, we expose some ethical dilemmas -around informed consent, copyright, and a balance between risks and benefits- identified in the different evaluation instances and the learning derived from it. We end with future lines of research.
Keywords: Migration; childhood; ethics; children's rights.
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How to Cite
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