Co-research with children and adolescents: a systematic literature review using the Prisma statement
Main Article Content
This article conducts a systematic literature review of children and adolescents' participation as co-researchers. The study uses the PRISMA statement and analyzes scientific publications between 2019 and 2022. The reviewed articles reveal different trends regarding the roles and names assigned to children and adolescents as co-researchers. The authors also encountered a number of participatory methodologies that recognize this population as subjects of rights and experts in relation to their own settings who are capable of actively participating in the co-construction of knowledge with adult researchers. Methodological, ethical, and political challenges that occur with this research modality are identified in
the reviewed articles. This highlights the need for critical reflection about the purpose and implications of child and adolescent participation in research, the power dynamics involved, and the importance ofrecognizing this population's diverse capacities and perspectives as part of this process.
Keywords: Participatory research; childhood; adolescence; co-research; systematic literature review
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