Academic experiences and mental health in three university cohorts under COVID-19 emergency
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The unexpected irruption of COVID-19 had profound consequences for university students, who were forced to develop their careers remotely. Particularly in Chile, the 2019, 2020 and 2021 entry cohorts formed a unique case due to the different conditions under which their incorporation took place. This research aimed to determine the differences and the relationship between personal variables and academic experiences in a sample of 331 ad-hoc students. The results obtained statistically through an associative and inferential strategy, allow us to conclude that there are no differences between cohorts with respect to their mental health, except in the experience with the career between 2020 and 2021. Suggestions are presented for their personal and academic approach, as well as for the development of strategies focused on university mental health.
Keywords: Stress; Anxiety; Depression; Student; Pandemic.
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