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Dear Authors:
Este documento detalla el paso a paso de la posible publicación de su artículo. Por favor lea detalladamente su contenido. Tenga en cuenta que, debido al alto número de postulaciones que se reciben, el incumplimiento de cualquiera de los siguientes procesos y estándares nos llevará a tomar la triste decisión de rechazarlo. Comprenda que artículos con información incompleta o incorrecta demoran los procesos y son una carga de trabajo adicional tanto para la revista como para ustedes themeselves.
1. Before you start
- Our presentation and the topics covered by the magazine in the "About us" section at the following address http://revistaumanizales.cinde.org.co
- Our ethical and editorial statement: http://revistaumanizales.cinde.org.co/index.php/conocenos/etica-editorial
- The process we performed for the similarity review: http://revistaumanizales.cinde.org.co/index.php/conocenos/revision-de-similitudes
- Manuscript evaluation criteria can be found in the section "About us > evaluation formats" at the address http://revistaumanizales.cinde.org.co
2. Identification of type and section of the article
Choosing the wrong typology for your item may cause your evaluation to be negative. So make sure you choose the right one.
You should also inform us whether your article is intended for the first (Theory and metatheory) and second (Studies and research) sections of the journal, which are intended for research reports, or for the third (Reports and analysis) and fourth (Reviews and reviews) sections, which present other documents not derived from research.
2.1 First and second sections
These present research articles, which are double-blind refereed and included in the journal's OJS. Please note that the journal primarily publishes completed research reports. If your project is still in progress, you may only submit it as a short article (described below).
The types of articles published by the journal in these sections are as follows:
Quantitative research article: This presents the original results of completed empirical quantitative research projects. The structure of the articles should be adapted to the APA publication style (JARS-Quant, 7th edition, 2020), which is detailed in our Guide to
presentation included in our website. It has four main sections:
- Introduction: (including the contextualization and justi-fication of the problem; the synthetic review of the most relevant and updated literature oon the topic; its objective and the research question or hypothesis).
- Method: (design; inclusion and exclusion criteria; characteristics of participants; sampling procedure; information collection method(s) and instruments; and data analysis strategy).
- Results: (that correspond to the instruments used).
- Discussion: (similarities and differences of the results compared to research by other authors; interpretation of the results; limitations; importance and implications of the results with respect to future research, programs or policies).
Qualitative research article: This presents the original results of completed empirical qualitative research . The structure of the article should use the APA publication style (JARS-Quali, 7th edition, 2020), which is detailed in the Presen-tation Guide included on our website. It has four main sections:
- Introduction (in-cluding the contextualization and justification of the problem; a critical and syn-thetic review of the most relevant and up-to-date literature on the topic; the objective and question used in the study).
- method (epistemological approach or position; design; description of the participants or data sources; process of se-lecting the participants; data collection process(es); and data analysis tech-nique).
- Results or findings (that correspond to the instruments and the research approach used).
- Discussion: (main contributions; similarities and differences of the results with previous research; strengths and limitations; importance and implications of the results in relation to future research, programs or policies).
The discussion and results sections should not be presented as a single section, since each has specific characteristics and content. Now, if for some reason you need to merge these two sections, it is not only necessary to explain it to the readers, but also to justify it as solidly and clearly as possible, so that it is not understood as a mistake on your part.
Artículo de revisión: documento que reporta los resultados de una investigación terminada que ha buscado analizar, criticar o integrar los resultados de otras investigaciones sobre un campo problémico específico. Su fin es generar ya sea una conclusión general frente a un problema (síntesis) o identificar las tendencias, contradicciones, relaciones, brechas o problemáticas del área. Hacen parte de este tipo los estados del arte, las revisiones sistemáticas de literatura, los meta-análisis y los diversos tipos de metasíntesis (meta-etnografía, síntesis crítica-interpretativa, etc.). Se caracteriza por presentar una exhaustiva, sistemática y cuidadosa revisión bibliográfica (especialmente de los últimos tres años) y unos resultados originales que, sobre todo, vayan más allá del mero resumen de lo previo. Para su presentación se debe seguir el estilo APA (JARS, 7ª edición, 2020) el cual, en su versión cualitativa, se presenta en la Guidelines for reporting review articles incluida en nuestra página web.
Report/case study: This is a document that presents the results of completed research on an individual, group, community, organization or specific situation, in order to present the experiences, analysis or observations made, the resolution of a specific problem or the possible applications of the research that has been carried out. The presentation should include: introduction (with the correspond-ing literature review, objective and question), methodological process for the analysis, an in-depth description of the case (and of analogous cases, if relevant) and the conclusions. This article should explain how the analysis carried out al-lows the general problem or other cases similar to the one analyzed to be under-stood/solved.
Short article: This is a short document (no more than 4000 words) that pre-sents the preliminary or partial results of a research study that is underway, but due to its importance requires prompt diffusion. Authors should bear in mind that the evaluation of this type of article will verify that its publication is indeed justi-fied before the research has been completed. Its structure will be adapted to the format that suits the type of research being carried out (qualitative, quantitative, case study or review).
Artículo teórico o metodológico: documento articulado a una investigación que presenta una perspectiva analítica, interpretativa, creativa o crítica del autor(a) sobre un tema o metodología específica. Lo anterior para avanzar originalmente en su desarrollo teórico o metodológico, para presentar una nueva teoría sobre dicho tema, una nueva metodología o para analizar una existente. En tanto que derivado de un proceso investigativo, debe presentar explícitamente los aspectos centrales del proyecto: su objetivo, pregunta, método y proceso de análisis. Si bien su estructura es más flexible que los anteriores tipos, al menos se debe incluir: una introducción (con la contextualización del problema y la presentación de la literatura relevante y actualizada), el proceso de recolección y análisis de la información, el desarrollo teórico o metodológico y las conclusiones.
2.1 Third and fourth sections
This type of article should ensure that the theoretical or methodological progress and advances in relation to previous studies are clearly presented. Other types of intellectual production are also received and published in the third (Reports and analysis) and fourth (Reviews) sections; these are not included in the OJS of the journal (as they are not research articles) but they are published on our website so that they are available to our readers:
- Reflective article (essay): A document that presents either critical analysis or theoretical reflection on a particular topic; but unlike a theoretical article, it is not based on formal research. The author(s) must clarify the interpretative process that has been carried out. This type of article should also accommodate refer-ences using the APA style (2020). Only essays that the Editorial Board consider a significant contribution to knowledge in the area will be published.
- Interviews: Conducted with experts in the field of children and youth, this pre-sents interesting and current conversations. The interviewer can add comments, points of view and theoretical developments that contribute to the document.
- Letters to the editor: critical, analytical or interpretative positions on papers published in the journal that, in the opinion of the Editorial Committee, constitute an important contribution to the discussion of the subject by the scientific community. These letters are included in the fourth section.
- Others: we also receive brief analyses of works, audiovisual material, events, local processes and ongoing projects that are original and of interest to social researchers or others. Also, systematizations of works related to children and youth or their own productions.
Since these documents do not have the character of a scientific article and are not peer-reviewed, they can have a freer format (although they must maintain the citation standards). However, given their unpublished nature, they must pass the originality study and style correction in the journal's editorial process.
3. Manuscript preparation
The following are the standards to be met by articles in the sections Theory and metatheory (section 1) and Studies and research (section 2). These articles should be submitted in the following Template: https://cinde.org.co/wp-content/uploads/Plantilla_de_presentacion_articulos_26_02_2020-3.docx
3.1 Title
- It should synthetically and coherently reflect the subject matter of the article.
- Its length should not exceed 12 words, trying to include those that make it easier for readers to find it through digital search systems.
- It must be presented in the three languages used by the journal: Spanish, English and Portuguese.
- Also include in parentheses below the title a headline (maximum 30 characters); this is a synthesized version of the title that is included in the cornices (i.e., at the top of the article pages).
3.2 Name and affiliation
- The name of the author(s) should be presented according to the international standard,[2] followed by his/her affiliations (the institution where he/she worked or studied during the research, together with its department or division), city and country. If an author has no affiliation, only his/her city and country should be included.
- Then they will present their academic level (previous studies and their most advanced degree along with the awarding institutions), e-mail address, their Orcid code (https://orcid.org) and, finally, its index H5.
- If your affiliation has changed after conducting the research, include that information in this section (e.g., "author x is now affiliated with university x").
- If any of the authors are referenced within the article or in the list of references, the international standard should be followed again, as this facilitates the search for authors at the international level and their visibility in bibliometric indexes.
The following is an example of the author's name with institutional affiliation and data included:
Jorge I. Gonzalez
National University of Colombia, Bogotá.
Philosopher from Universidad Javeriana. Master in Economics from Universidad de Los Andes. PhD in Economics from the University of Louvain (Belgium). Orcid: 0000-000x-xxxx-xxxx. H5: x. E-mail: autor@institucion.edu
3.3 type of item
The type of article submitted must be specified so that its editorial processing is appropriate to its nature. Please take great care to choose the type that effectively fits the research performed, as well as to comply with its characteristics. Errors in this respect are the most common reason for rejection.
3.4 Research information
- Indicate the exact date (hopefully the day or at least the month and year) of initiation and completion of the investigation, or if the investigation is still ongoing (if applicable).
- Submit the name of the research funding entity (if any) and the respective code.
- This information should not exceed 100 words.
The following are examples of articles that have already been published in the journal:
- The article is a synthesis of the research entitled "Cultural hermeneutics of health", presented by the author for the degree of Doctor in Social and Health Sciences and Medical Humanities, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 2003. Funding approved at the session of the Superior Council of the University of Manizales, Act 019 of September 23, 1999. Carried out between February 12, 1999 and September 30, 2002.
- This article is derived from the project entitled "Towards an understanding of the construction of meanings on parenting in the growth and development program", financed by the University of Antioquia and registered in the Research Center of the National School of Public Health of the University of Antioquia with code INV-168-05. Carried out between February 23, 1999 and November 15, 2002. The data and analysis of the research are openly available at https://osf.io/xxxxx.xxx.
3.5 Summary
- With a maximum of 130 words, it is a complete summary that is used by search services to index and retrieve the article; therefore, it must be attractive and accurate, so that it catches the attention of potential readers.
- It should not begin by presenting the objective or commenting on the content of the article.
- Nor should it contain bibliographic references or acronyms.
In case the article is the result of research, the abstract should be analytical, mentioning: the problem, the participants, the methodology and the main results and conclusions of the research.
In the case of articles that are not the result of research, a descriptive abstract should be used, expressing synthetically, clearly and precisely what is developed in the article. This should also be less than 130 words and it should be made clear at the beginning that it is a descriptive abstract.
3.6 Key words
- Present 3 to 10 key words or expressions that quickly allow the reader to identify the subject of the article.
- The keywords, without exception, must be taken from a thesaurus, indicating their name at the end of the list.
- The title of the article, abstract and keywords should be translated into Portuguese (resumo, palavras-chave) and English (abstract, keywords) by an expert translator in the social field.
3.7 Body Text
- Length: articles do not have a maximum word limit. However, as much economy of language as possible is recommended. As a reference, the average published article has a length of 8000 words (from the title to the reference list).
- Footnotes: footnotes should be footnotes in WordTM automatic style. Their number and length should be limited to the minimum possible, in order to avoid making the article difficult to read.
- Inclusive language: the inclusion of gender must be taken into account in the writing of the article, for example: when talking about children, say "boys and girls". However, and following the guidelines of our language, the journal does not use variations such as @ or the letter e to mark inclusive language.
3.8 Artwork
- Your presentation should follow the APA style standard (7th ed., 2020), exactly according to the model included in the presentation template.
- Tables and figures (graphic material) are numbered consecutively as mentioned in the text.
- Within the text of the article, each table or figure should be referenced by its number and not by phrases such as "the following table", since the layout process may require placing them in a place not so close to the line in which they are referenced.
- They should have a short - but informative - title preceding them.
- The graphic material must be presented in a format that allows its manipulation by the editorial team.
- No graphic material whose information is subject to copyright or other author's rights may be included without prior written permission; without this requirement, the material may not be included. Such permission must be detailed in a note at the end of these.
- Tables and figures made by the authors of the manuscript should not be explicitly indicated as their own (using the text "own authorship"). It is understood that they are all their own.
- In the specific case of photographs, the faces of minors should not appear in them without due authorization from their parents or guardians. In the case of photographs of adults, it is also recommended that informed consent be obtained.
3.9 Annexes and supplementary material
- It is possible to include annexes (tables, graphs, photos, multimedia files, etc.) to your document if they are treated as supplementary material; that is, if they are included in the body of the text by means of links and if these documents are archived in services that allow the maintenance of such information indefinitely and provide DOI codes for them (e.g., https://figshare.como https://osf.io).
3.10 Citation
The referencing system of the latest version of the APA (7th ed., 2020) will be used consistently. For example:
... as explained in Rogoff and Pilsen (1993).
... as supported by (Rogoff & Pilsen, 1993).
... in the words with which they formulated it (Rogoff & Pilsen, 1993, pp. 31-32).
When referencing works with three or more authors, it is only necessary to include the first author followed by the abbreviation et al. (whether they are included in the text or in parentheses).
3.11 References
- You must include all (and only) sources cited within the text.
- This listing should be constructed following APA style (7th ed., 2020).[4]Example:
Hedegaard, M. (2005). Strategies for dealing with conflicts in value positions between home and school: Influences on ethnic minority students' development of motives and identity. Culture Psychology, 11(2), 187-205. https://doi.org/10.1177/1354067X05052351 - References must necessarily include current sources (from the last three years, including the current year) and be relevant, pertinent, sufficient and necessary. Likewise, it is important to cite authors who are considered classics.
- The DOI of absolutely all sources that have it must be included. Locating the latter information is a very simple process: just go to https://search.crossref.org/references. There you will find a search box where you can cut and paste your entire reference list. This service will give you as a result all the documents that have DOI, which you will have to verify and, finally, update in your list.
- Acronyms should not be used in the list of references.
4. Manuscript submission to the journal
Articles must be submitted by the authors to the journal's Open Journal System (OJS) platform using the available template. Once this process has been completed, it will be submitted to a review of similarities through the UnicheckTM program, to verify that it is unpublished.
The submission of an article to the OJS system of this journal implies the author's commitment not to submit it partially or completely, or simultaneously to other journals or publishers, without first withdrawing the text from the consideration of this journal by means of written communication.
On the other hand, it should be taken into account that, if the article is derived from an undergraduate thesis, and this has been deposited in the public institutional repository of a university through a transfer of rights, verbatim texts of that document cannot be used (unless they are cited) since it is considered that this content has already been published and would thus be incurring in self-plagiarism (even if the document is in another language).
The opinions and statements in the articles and other documents are the sole responsibility of the authors.
5. Evaluation process
Once the article has been installed by the author in the journal's OJS platform, he/she must send the certification of the proofreader to the journal's e-mail address. Subsequently, the article will receive a first evaluation by the Editorial Committee. It will review the compliance with the standards presented in this document, that its subject matter is covered by that of the journal and its overall quality. This review may result in corrections or non-acceptance; you will be informed by mail (from one to three weeks) of the deadline to comply with these corrections. Failure to do so by the established date is understood that the article will not continue the editorial process and will be considered as not accepted.
The articles that pass this stage are submitted to double-blind evaluation by at least two external evaluators, a process that lasts four weeks. Once the proposed document has been evaluated, the author(s) will receive comments for revision and adjustment. They will have a deadline set by the editor to return the article duly revised, with the changes clearly indicated and justified. At the discretion of the reviewers or the editorial team, the corrected article may be sent for a new round of review. It is important that the authors comply with the deadlines established in this process exactly.
The journal's OJS system allows online communication so that the journal's authors can keep abreast of the status of their work. Its address is: http://revistaumanizales.cinde.org.co/rlcsnj/index.php/Revista-Latinoamericana/login
6. Editorial production
The journal -with the consent of the author(s) - will make the necessary editorial changes to make the article as clear, precise and coherent as possible. Consequently, it is recommended that you write with the utmost rigor, using good spelling, making short, homogeneous and clear paragraphs, seeking to use punctuation marks accurately. Redundancies in the text and the reiterative use of acronyms should be avoided; these do not replace the expressions in question and cause readers to become fatigued and lose motivation to read your text. Authors are requested to send their manuscript for review of style by a specialized technician (knowledgeable in APA style and the field of social sciences) in order to expedite the editing process.
Galley proofs of articles will be sent to the author(s) prior to printing. Corrections should be limited to typing errors. New lines, sentences or paragraphs are not accepted. The page and line to be changed in the proof pages should be indicated.
7. Publication
By submitting the article to the journal's editorial process, all authors agree to the assignment of rights to the journal in the event that the article is approved for publication. This assignment agreement allows the editorial team to protect the material on behalf of the authors without them relinquishing their authorship rights. The assignment of rights includes the exclusive rights of reproduction and distribution of the article, including offprints, photocopied, electronic, or other reproductions, as well as translations.
Since the magazine manages a continuous publication, it will publish your article as soon as it is completely ready.
8. After publication
The best promoter of your intellectual production is yourself. Read our document Increase the audience of your articles if you want to know the main strategies you can use to increase the audience, visibility and citation of your work.
On the other hand, remember to periodically review the metrics published by the journal about your article. These will give you important information about its behavior both in citations and in the way it is being discussed and used in social networks.
Do not forget to cite your article using the model that appears on its first page, always using its DOI number.
Contact address of the magazine: revistaumanizales@cinde.org.co
Some additional errors to avoid in your manuscript
The following are some of the errors that generate negative evaluations by the Editorial and Scientific Committees of the journal:
- Please allow an expert to translate the title, abstract and keywords of your manuscript.
- Avoid making assertions -which could be challenged- without supporting them factually, argumentatively or by means of quotations.
- The most important part of the article (the results and discussion) should occupy a much larger space than the theoretical review, not the other way around. Therefore, it is necessary to review the relevance of the topics discussed in the introduction.
- It is very important that the reader is clear about the research problem from the first lines.
- It is necessary to explain the justification for the research in the introduction.
- It is not necessary to present the structure of the article; this is already known to the readers.
- The page number of the original source should be included in direct quotations.
- In the body of the text, references in parentheses should be organized alphabetically.
- We recommend that you refrain from using bullet points in your conclusions. Ideally, they should be presented in a traditional form.
- Only use a conclusions section if these do not appear in the discussion.
- Scientific articles are expected to have no less than 25 references. Although this is not a strictly enforced rule, remember that several bibliometric studies have shown that the size of the reference list has a wide influence on its impact.
[1] These can be consulted at https://apastyle.apa.org/jars/quantitative. Remember that these are a guide from which you should take the elements that you feel apply to your research.
[2] Information on this subject can be found at the following web site http://www.iralis.org/es
[3] The H5 is one of the most widely used metrics today. It compares the number of articles published by an author versus the number of citations received. It can be obtained through your author page in Google Scholar.
[4] Examples of the most common types of references can be found at https://apastyle.apa.org/style-grammar-guidelines/references/examples