Maternal Violence in Childhood and the Conditions that Bring About Mothering
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This paper is the result of a study that approaches the issue of maternal violence towards children and its influence in the mother-child bond. Objective of the study: to analyze the narratives of both self-recognized mistreating mothers and their children, in order to identify the meaning given to their bonding. Method: a phenomenological-hermeneutic method from the qualitative comprehensive approach, with multilevel sampling. Data Generation Techniques: in-depth interviews with mothers, and focus groups with children and parents from three educational institutions. Conclusions: mothers explain the violence towards their children by resorting to a generational chain of bonds with their own mother; the conditions that have an adverse effect on mothering predict the appearance of maternal violence; and, not every mistreated child will be a mistreating parent. Finally, the existence of a typology of the mother who mistreats her children is proposed.
Keywords: mother-child bond, maternal violence, individuation, mothering, care.
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