Metalization as a strategy to promote mental health in premature babies
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This paper aims to show the importance of intervention with mother of preterm infants, as a strategy for the promotion and prevention in mental health. It suggests metalizing as a way to help mothers to be able to think and contain the emotional experience of the baby and also be aware of the interaction between their minds. First, it focuses on the issue of the premature babies and their mothers in the Intensive Care Units Neonatal NICU because adverse conditions make them a high risk population in mental health. Then it shows the importance of the concepts of bonding, attachment and metalization and its possible impact on the development of the child. Finally, it presents the aims and also highlights some principles that may guide programs in order to encourage development of an adequate mentalization or reflexive capacity in preterm mothers.
Keywords: Prevention, Mental Health, Prematurity, Mentalization.
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