Children's social representations of the pandemic: Two years after its beginning
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Children's beliefs and attitudes towards the Covid-19 pandemic have been studied mainly in the most critical socio-sanitary period and from an adult-centric perspective. To address this problem, a
phenomenological study was carried out that used content and thematic analysis of drawings of 16
participants from 7 to 8 years of age, to describe children's social representations of the pandemic.
The results highlighted emotions of fear, sadness and boredom, associated with the feeling of loneliness. The house was also identified as a safe space in the face of environmental threats, lack of interaction
with others, a feeling of being trapped, and lack of behavioral control. Two years after the start of the pandemic, these findings suggest the need to implement action plans for child welfare based on children's rights.
Keywords: Social representations; pandemics; emotions; childhood.
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How to Cite
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