"I have my lawyer": Relationships and participation in the legal representation of children
Main Article Content
This study aimed to understand the meanings developed by professional staff in the Mi Abogado
Program (Chile). Using a qualitative exploratory design, semi-structured interviews were conducted with professionals and content analysis was applied. Participants highlighted a number of essential
factors in their work, including that it was necessary to get to know the children and recognize their unique circumstances and life histories. At the same time, they stated that it was necessary to rebuild
their trust in adults in order to form a significant relationship and enable child participation. Identification of their unique circumstances, generating trust and forming significant relationships lead to better legal representation of these children, strengthen agency and facilitate their participation in
the processes that directly affect them. The authors conclude by the article by recommending further
examination of how new programs are building meanings around children's rights in a context that
seeks to overcome existing power imbalances.
Keywords: Children and adolescents; child participation; legal representation; relationships.
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How to Cite
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