Everything at the same time: Daily life of young university parents in the Pandemic
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The pandemic derived from COVID-19 implied for mothers and fathers who were university students in Manizales Colombia, experience daily dynamics of simultaneous care and academic training. The narrative analysis reveals the configuration of a scenario that brought with it the intertwining of individual, school, and family time, generating a dual environment as subjects of performance; for university students the opportunity to be close to their daughters/son, to know their learning activities, to "see them grow" configuring non-delegated maternity, contrasted with a triple demand to comply with everything: study, care, and work. For university students, the opportunity to be close to their daughters/sons, to know their learning activities, to "see them grow" configuring non-delegated maternity, contrasted with a triple demand to comply with everything: study, care, and work. For university
students who do not live with their sons/daughters, this scenario resulted in a weakening of ties due to social distancing and the emergence of coordination as an alternative for parental care.
Keywords: Family life; youth; academic performance; pandemic; time organization.
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How to Cite
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