4E cognition for post-pandemic math learning: A systematic review
Main Article Content
This study aims to describe the adaptation of the ideas of 4E cognition in research on Mathematics learning in contemporary research. These ideas can provide strategies to improve pedagogical and didactic processes in classrooms during the post pandemic period. Full-text articles published in the last 4 years were searched for in the Science Direct and Ebsco Academic Search Ultimate databases. A total of 56 articles were selected and were analyzed through the generation of cluster analysis, word clouds and hierarchical maps in the NVivo 11 software. Four thematic cores were identified (scaffolding; sociocultural trajectory; numeracy and acquisition of basic concepts in mathematics; and exploration of mathematical niches) that contribute to improvements in teaching and learning in the post-pandemic period.
Keywords: Mathematics; pandemic; 4E cognition; learning; systematic review.
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How to Cite
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