"Arturo Escobar and his critical sources in the construction of the Latin-American thoughtâ€
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This article is a meta-reading of Arturo Escobar's theoretical proposal by identifying the critical sources he refers to such as construction and de-construction of the Latin-American thought. These critical sources
are anthropological, ecological; post-structuralist and post- Marxist in global and local societies which make up the post-development proposal in pluriversality.
The construction of de-colonial thought in politics allows the reader to recognize reflection routes and mobilization in theoretical practices and in practice theories from the comprehension of affirmation of local communities which, at the same time, become referents when de-collocating the universal look and the homo-centric proposal that have been proposed in the modernity/coloniality model aiming at separating: individual, nature and culture. This proposal projects itself on a bio-centric perspective of reality where knowledge production is recognized. This production formulates questions from Latin- America itself, thus separating itself from the barbarity civilization model that has denied plurality histories systematically. Accordingly, Escobar recovers the enunciation locus from the de construction of thought neo-colonizations in development theories that aim at configuring knowledge otherwise.
Keywords: de-colonial turn, Latin American thought, politics cultural dimension, culture political dimension and post-development.
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How to Cite
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