Effects of parental separation: listening to a nine-year-old girl
Main Article Content
In this qualitative study, the effects of parental separation are described and analyzed through the voice and point of view of a nine-year-old girl. The authors used a semi-structured interview and categorical data analysis to identify these effects. The identified repercussions of the parental separation
were classified into individual effects, such as information management and construction of explanations, as well as higher levels of independence and improvements in self-awareness. The authors also identified effects on the family environment such as modification of affective bonding with parents, more consistent family dynamics and increased moments of wellbeing. The study concludes that children perform an active role in the construction of their meaning and parental separation can facilitate the generation of self growth experiences.
Keywords: Separation parental, divorce, parents, children, effects, family, meanings, active subjects, child participation.
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