Prevention of psychosocial risk in adolescents: The role ofCommunity Youth Centers in communities in Spain
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Abstract (analytical)
The article analyzes the role of Community Youth Centers (CDMs for their initials in Spanish) as a
specialized resource for socio-educational interventions with at-risk adolescents. This is a qualitative investigation in which different techniques have been integrated in order to triangulate objective evidence. At the methodological level, 30 staff participated in different data collection processes (two discussion groups as well as semi-structured interviews). The data obtained was codified and categorized. The results highlight the specificity of the CDMs as an available resource for the process of socialization and the provision of gradual, progressive, individualized and flexible accompaniment
to at-risk adolescents. The conclusions of the study recommend the specialization of the CDMs to support adolescents who are experiencing complex life processes and the consolidation of these
centers as a socio-educational alternative that generates opportunities.
Keywords: Day Care Centers for Children, adolescents, social risks, prevention.
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