To be or not to be a successor? The aspirations of the rural youth of Rio Grande do Sul
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This research focused on whether rural youths living in Rio Grande do Sul in Brazil are projecting their futures in agriculture and intend to be successors of family farming establishments, in addition to highlighting the conditioning factors that are used to make these decisions. The research involved the application of a questionnaire applied in 2018 and 2019. The sample consisted of 743 young people aged 13 to 21 years who are children of farmers and high school students at the time. It was found that 47.9 % of the surveyed young people want to stay in the countryside and 45.2 % want to be successors. The succession process has been compromised by limits on the participation of rural youth in management and decision-making processes on their family's properties. The authors conclude
that these young people significantly value being active and autonomous subjects on their families' properties.
Keywords: Social interaction, drawings, writing, numeracy.
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