Political and public dimensions of being orphaned through femicide: a literature review
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One of the most extreme types of violence against women is femicide, a crime that also affects their surviving children. This paper presents the results of a comprehensive literature review that analyzed how the political and public dimensions of being orphaned due to femicide are presented in academic studies. A total of 22 articles from different countries were identified published between 1958 and 2022 and a Thematic-Categorical Analysis was applied. The results evidenced a clear a-critical and a-historical discourse on this subject. In addition to the absence of official data on this problem, public policies were identified as either inefficient or non-existent. In order to protect this population, the existence of children and adolescents who have been orphaned due to femicide need to be recognized as a social problem and targeted by systematic and efficient actions.
Keywords: Femicide; orphaned children; public policy; literature review.
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How to Cite
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