Parenting and its effect on adolescent self-determination and wellbeing
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The objective of this research was to determine the effects of parenting on self-determination and quality of life for adolescents. A total of 544 adolescents (55% female) between 13 and 18 years of age participated in the study. The effect of parenting on adolescent self-determination and subjective and psychological well-being is analyzed using mediation analysis. Four significant models are obtained. The fit-means test was used. The hypothesis of a causal and explanatory relationship of parenting on self-determination and the effect on subjective well-being and psychological wellbeing is accepted. It is concluded that parentality has a significant impact on autonomy and competence in adolescence. However, the self-determination relationship generates a low contribution to well-being.
Keywords: Parentality, adolescence, self determination, subjective well-being, psychological well-being.
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