"She's my favourite": Children's perspectives about good residential child care
Main Article Content
This research explores the perspectives of children living in residential programs regarding the characteristics of a good caregiver. A qualitative study was developed using graphic techniques and group interviews with 14 children living in residential programs in Valparaíso-Chile. The network of care perceived by the children at individual and residential level was identified, highlighting residential figures over family members. The children showed a specificity of the bond with their residential caregivers and suggested characteristics of a good caregiver, associated with protection, permanence and daily accompaniment. Affection is a cross-cutting element in children's narratives about their
caregiving experiences and perspectives on what makes a good caregiver. The results suggest that
residential programs should consider children's perspectives and create conditions to favor this affective bonding with caregivers.
Keywords: Child care, child welfare, interpersonal relations, childhood, residential child care.
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